Hello, I am
Himanshu Gupta | Competitive programmer & Android Developer
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About me

I'm Himanshu Gupta

I am a MALAVIYAN,currently pursuring my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering(2020-2024). I am a Android Develpoer,Competitive Coder.I have built many(more than five)amazing apps using Android FrameWorks and Library. I have solved 4000+ Problems on Data Structure and Algorithms.I have Worked as a Problem Setter at iMocha. I am pupil(1308) at Codeforces and Kngiht(1912) at Leetcode

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My Primarily Skills


I have learned data structure and Algorithms in c++. I have also knowlegde of Java and JavaScript Programming languages.

Android Development

I have learned android development in Java and Flutter both and have builts many apps which are available on google play store and got liked reviews

Problem Solving

I have solved 4000+ problems on DSA and Algorithms on different coding platforms like geeksforgeeks, codforces ,codechef,leetocode

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

Developing a Android Apps is a Fashion for me and it is a great joy of time for me , So, I have expertise in Developing Android Apps (mainly in Java and Kotlin) ,I have also learned Competitive Programming to enchance my problem solving capabilites i have skills of Html, Css, JavaScript ,Java, C++, Kotlin, Dart, Data Structure and Algorithms and currently improving my skills for more ...

    Codeforces:: Rating- 1395(Pupil) 
    CodeChef:: Rating- 1745(3⭐) 
    LeetCode:: Rating- 1918(Knight) 
GeeksForGeeks:: Rank 1(in MMMUT) 
C++ 90%
DSA 80%
Flutter,Android Development 85%
Html,Css, Javascript, React.js 70%
Competitive Coding 70%

My Projects


This is the First App Created By Me . This App is fully devoted for my college MMMUT ,This App will let you introdue my College ALL Section , It has expensive UI and a Lot of Features, Get all new Notifications and details of college


This app is for all people who want their contacts to easy to use and make easier for them , it contains user profile with their images and this is also connect contact personal chat to contact ,you can directly go to his/her whatsapp, message him make call add to favorite and manty more


A Wallpaper Apps which have lots of hd images to set for your android phone Wallpaper.It contains impressive UI and user friendly


The Controller of Time- It tells us the current weather information for different location, timer, stopwatch, secret content storage and many more functionality


The News App which tell us the current news from the global according to your category and likes. It has combination of all resourse of great news channels.Data is fetched from Apis and webview for the conten used

Touch Calci

It is based on Ai & ML. we can get our result by just writing on mobile screen. It is really very awesome and practical. It supports all basic airthmatic calucation

CodeX-Code Editor

It is a Code Editor which can be used by programmers for writing codes in their phones because it is difficult to write codes using android default keyboard. It contains keyboard for programmer


This is the android app for Competitive programmers ,they can use it to show their rating, past contest performance , their rating graphs and previous solved problems on codeforces

CodAsk-Come Together

This is the android app professionals coders. They can use it as a social media app for them like facebook,instagram to save their time. It has feature of posting images with captions and like comment , ask your queries to someone ,chat with any user p2p, profile section and making followers and following and more


An Ecommerce App built in Flutter. It uses the concept of Apis ,Dart, Firebase, payment method, and most of feature you find in flipkart like apps. It has impressive Ui and smooth user experiences


An Android App which can be used to store your password and credentials withou any data lose fear. It is 100% secure and safe. It provide you 3 levels of authentication- uid ,password and biometric after that you are able to get your credentials


A college student friendly app which helps them to get resourse at their exam time and get benefit to it. here you can uploads and download files and like and can maintain your profile.


A Todo apps to store your tasks in organized manner. set their priorities and category to to do them , add reminder for the tasks to perform and more.


This apps focus on optimizing the time for user.here user can open multiple tabs of webpages simulataneously and can move to any one as he wish. Try it to get more glimpse of it.

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Hire Me or Drop a mail for your Question to solve your Queries and i will Definetly get in Touch soon.

Himanshu Gupta
Gorakhpur,Uttar Pradesh
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